Our Classes

Jump FIT

An exercise class using mini trampolines and hand weights. 

Using the trampoline means there is a dramatic reduction in stress to our legs and joints which welcomes all fitness levels and even enables individuals with injuries to take part.

It improves your cardiovascular, lymphatic system, detoxification, along with many other healthy stimulation and significant weight loss.  The benefits of these classes are truly endless, and the scientific research will have you reading for hours.

Circuit FIT

Circuit training is a combination of six or more exercises performed with short rest periods between each exercise for either a set number of repetitions or a prescribed amount of time.

One circuit is when all the exercises have been completed.
Circuit training is structured in a way that enables you to keep performing with good technique (always demonstrated by the instructor) and very short rest intervals.

Circuit training is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength endurance.

Strength FIT

In these sessions we concentrate on building and defining certain muscle groups by lifting weights.  This helps improve bone density, improves joint flexibility, aids weight loss, improves your body composition, again, the benefits are endless. 

We also pride ourselves in providing child friendly classes so if your partner doesn’t get home in time to take care of the kids or they are on school holidays, just bring them with you.

Sculpt FIT

A combination of two of your favourite classes, Jump Fit & Strength Fit providing an all over body sculpting workout: Routines, muscle groups, equipment and intensity.

This type of high intensity training will help improve your cardiovascular, overall health and well-being as well as increased muscle, bone strength, improved joint movement, increased bone density and reduced potential for injury. 


Yoga is an ancient practice originating from India and involves movement, meditation and breathing techniques to promote mental and psychical wellbeing.

Regular yoga practice can promote endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility and wellbeing by connecting the mind, body and spirit.

This class is suitable for all fitness levels.

Book a Class

at your local SLam FIT venue today!